Insights & Perspectives

From the U.S. From Japan

Insights tagged as "esg"

Green Transformation: How it’s Leveraging Technology to Address the Impacts of Climate Change

Businesses are adopting a GX framework to tackle environmental issues. Justin Yue from our investment team explores what GX is, its technology opportunities, global implementation, and future prospects.


Defining ESG & The Spectrum of Responsible Investing (Part 2)

SRI and Impact investing are often used interchangeably with ESG — but they’re distinctly different frameworks. This article outlines the differences between the three to encourage fruitful conversations about financial sustainability.


ESG: Speaking the Same Language (Part 1)

ESG rapidly gained mindshare and it is critical that we understand both its origin and purpose to have meaningful conversations about investing for long-term sustainable growth. In part 1, Nick looks at the history and relevance of ESG as a framework.


Mobility Amid COVID: Transportation Solutions for a New Era

Explore the intersection between mobility, climate change, and technology as a follow-up to the prior article ‘Mobility During COVID-19 and the Corresponding Environmental Impact’.


Mobility During COVID-19 and the Corresponding Environmental Impact

As governments and companies alike begin to think about plans to re-open the economy, we are all wondering what the world will look like.
